Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Sailor Moon Crystal Reviews Starting July 5th!

I wanted to make an announcement that I'll be reviewing Sailor Moon Crystal as soon as it comes out and as soon as I can! I'm a huge fan and I would love to have in-depth reviews. In order for them to be so deep, there will be spoilers. Sucks, I know, but that's how I feel I may best give my opinion.

So far, we have the trailer, an extended trailer (that's not really all that extended), and just recently a sneak peek! Thanks so much to Club Sailor Moon for being excellent at getting information as fast as they do! Makes a life as a Moonie a lot easier.

Here's what I think of so far:

The animation is pretty but I'm not a big fan of the colors. I was hoping for something lighter, which I believe would work better for the series. I believe the characters don't move really smoothly as they did back in the original cartoon. I don't mean to compare the actual show, but just the fluidity of the animation. Mamoru (Darien) ACTUALLY LOOKS HIS AGE which makes it a little easier to believe that he isn't in college dating a middle school girl. Seriously, he looks like he's old enough for me. (hmu) The girls do not look their age. They look really tall too, which is weird because Usagi (Serena) is supposed to be 4'11.

The opening song is pretty underwhelming to me. The original opening song was so powerful and strong, it will always excite me. This one is very cute, but that's about it. It definitely caters to a younger audience and I do believe young children will enjoy it.

The transformation was what I was so hyped for, but it totally did not deliver. The 3D style had nothing going for it. Unfortunately, the original transformation was so amazing that I don't know if anything could top it, but the new one didn't even come close. It's fine, I can definitely watch it. It's just not the best they could have done.

I'm still VERY excited for the anime! Even if the animation isn't favorable in my view (but, hey, they're not here to please me) I cannot believe the writing will be crappy. It CANNOT be bad. They say they're sticking close to the manga, so I'm very hopeful!

Sailor Moon Crystal will air on Hulu and VIZ/NeonAlley on July 5th, 2014.

I look forward to reviewing SMC! <3

- moonmaritza

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